Digital Lancashire’s Women in Tech: “What is Digital?”
Digitisation has driven change across a range of industries, with many of the more traditional businesses introducing digital solutions to traditional processes. Just placing the word “digital” in front of a sector can now create a whole new sub-niche, Digital Marketing, Digital Journalism, Digital Health, Digital Printing, but when we use the word “Digital”, are we all talking about the same thing? For this event we explored the question “what is Digital?” with a panel of business owners, partnership coordinators and educational establishments – do they understand “Digital” in different ways to each other? Do guests feel the same? The all-encompassing term for years has been the topic of discussion…
Best Productivity Process 2019
After a few hours of research, I’ve found a new and improved system for my Pomodoro tracking, but with a key element that helps me in my reflection time every week – tracking time in a bespoke Google Calendar, with details linking to what tasks I added in my To-Do List (which most don’t do). The reason I needed a new Pomodoro system was because my beloved Android-only “Task Timer Calendar” started crashing a few months ago, and now I find out they’ve removed the app from the appstore – GUTTED! So here goes, the magic bit is…. drumroll Zapier to link everything together. I spent a couple of hours…